Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015

Tahun Perak

Today is my b'day...

Hari ini hari yang spesial untukku, Tahun perak, dimana ditahun ini harusnya mimpi2ku semua sudah terwujud,, tapi nyatanya aku masih disini, disini ku sendiri dan berjuang demi kesuksesan diri sendiri.. 
Tapi rasa bahagia yang berlimpah kurasakan dihari ini, mampu menghapuskan rasa sepi yang kurasakan, doa-doa dan harapan mengalir terus dari tadi malam sampe detik ini, doa dari orang-orang tersayangku... Terima kasih semua semoga doa-doany diijabah sama Allah SWT...

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

Cultural Diversity of West Borneo

1. Malay Culture

Traditional Costum of Sambas Malay

The Malay are an ethnic group of Austronesian people who inhabit the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, the southernmost part of Thailand, Burma's southern coast, coastal Borneo - including Brunei, West Borneo, coastal Sabah and Sarawak, and the smaller islands that lay between these locations. The golden age of Malay Sultanates, dating from the 15th century, introduced the foundations of a common Malay identity based on language, Islamic belief and cultural traditions. The Sultanate of Brunei ruled a large part of northern Borneo from the 15th to 17th century.

By the 18th century, the area from Sambas to Berau became vassals of the Banjar Kingdom, which under the reign of Prince Nata Dilaga (1808 - 1825) relinquished its territories, including Sambas, to the Dutch East Indies. During the 19th century, the Dutch established their own distict kingdoms, installing native leaders, who owed their allegiance to the colonial government.
Jami' Mosque of Sambas Palace
2.  Dayak Culture
The Dayak are the aboriginal people of Borneo. The name of “Dayak” refers to more than 200 riverine and hill-dwelling ethnic subgroups occupying the interior of Borneo. Although all ethnically Dayak, each of these groups possesses its own dialect, customs, laws, home territory and culture. In times past, the animistic Dayak were feared for their ancient tradition of headhunting. After conversion to Christianity and islam anti-headhunting legislation was introduced by colonial rules precipitating the gradual dis-appearance of this gruesome tradition. Traditionally, Dayak agriculture was based on slash and burn shifting rice cultivation techniques. 
As a result, agricultural land was largely limited to hillside rice farming and forest plots. Today approximately 90% of Dayak are Christian, a religion introduced by missionaries in the 19th century. Under Indonesia's transmigration program, farmer from densely populated areas in Java and Madura were encouraged to settle in the Indonesian provinces of Borneo. 

3. Chinese Culture
Successive waves of Chinese emigration to Sambas were driven by wars and starvation taking place in mainland China. Most immigrants were illiterate farmers and laborers, historically known as "collies". The sultans of Western Borneo imported Chinese labourers in the 18th century to work in gold or tin mines. In Singkawang and Sambas the first major Chinese mining settlements dates from around 1760. Some of these mining settlements managed to gain a degree of political autonomy, such as the Lanfang Republic that existed from 1777 until its end in 1884, when the Dutch took control in an action recorded as breaking up of a "Chinese upsiring". The Chinese descendants, known as "Tionghoa", who initially settled across the Singbebas region, remain there today seven generations later.

Source: Inspiring Borneo,,,,

Minggu, 07 Juni 2015

Lumana He Ina

This song is Nias Island's Song, Traditional song from Indonesia

Cipt: Alim Y. Hulu
Vocal: Ratosa Zagötö
Musik: Kasmen Zebua

I otarai me so do ba dalu
öfondrorogö adulo manu
ötaögö wa'afökhö inagu
Lö khöu famatou ba zi ma'ifu
Afu - afumeö enaö mofozu
Tobali ndra'o ono sawuyu
Ina... Ina...

Lö na sirugi döfi ndröfigu
No mofanö iröido amagu
Monönö me asau'a hörögu
No faehu do ba khö ndra awögu
Hewisa ba wangai halöwögu
Me ogömi mbanua wamaigigu

*Reff 2x
Ina... Ina...
Hadia zitola ufalua he inagu
Ha liu urongo na mohede'ö khögu
Ikhamö tödö ambö gölö dangagu
Fa'aurigu awai zi no mate fandru
No da'ö nahiagu
No fangadrögu

Lö na sirugi döfi ndröfigu
No mofanö iröido amagu
Monönö me asau'a hörögu
No faehu do ba khö ndra awögu
Hewisa ba wangai halöwögu
Me ogömi mbanua wamaigigu


Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

Welcome To Singbebas

Singbebas is the acronymic name given to the are of regional cooperation formed between the city administration of Singkawang and the Regencies of Bengkayang and Sambas that have a combined population of 809, 000. Bengkayang and Sambas share a border with Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo and a such, form the northern tiangle of West Kalimantan.

The international airport at Pontianak has direct flight connections to Singapore, Kuching, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Batam as well as 16 daily flights to Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta. Visitors arriving at Pontianak and travelling furthur to Singbebas will cross the equator marked by the Tugu Khatulistiwa (equator Monument) located seven kilometers north of Pontianak, which is also home to a small museum.

The area's climate is tropical, making it hot and humid in lowland areas, but more moderate at higher elevations. Temperatures fluctuate little over the course of the year with an average low at sea level of 23oC and the average high is 32oC. June, July, and August are the driest month, while more rainfall occurring during the remainder of the year, with November being the wettest month.

Chinese Lantern Festival at Singkawang 
The City of Singkawang, with its majority ethnic Chinese population, is known as a centre of Chinese culture in Kalimantan. Singkawang also offers many beach attractions catering to domectic visitors, while the surrounding mountains provide attractive opportunities for nature loving enthusiasts. Singkawang is well known for its annual Chinese lantern festival (Cap Go Meh) celebrated during the first full moon of the lunar year.

in Bengkayang Regency visitors can enjoy nature and culture tourism attractions such as the many waterfalls and the large protected rainforest area of Mount Niut, the highest peak in Singbebas, where a genuine Borneo jungle adventure awaits visitors. 
Dayak Ethnic
Bengkayang is also starting point to experience Bidayu Dayak villages such as Sebujit, where a large annual harvest festival is held. At Randayan Island visitors can enjoy an isolated tropical paradise surrounded by rich coral reefs.

in Sambas Regency an uninterrupted 42 kilometers long sand beach between the Paloh River and the village of Temajuk remains largely virginal, offering an endless succession of bays and small capes set against a lush rainforest backdrop facing a clear and pristine sea. 
Alwatzikoebilla Palace

Home to what is believed to be the longest and most unspoilt sand beach in Southeast Asia, the beach at Sambas is also known as one of the world's major nesting places for endangered sea turtles. Also not to be missed in Sambas is the Sultan's palace that houses a small museum. 

Enjoy your stay in Singbebas

Source: Inspiring Borneo Booklet,,

Kalimantan : Sungai Nan Elok, Menawan Hati

Kalimantan,, semua tau donk ya sama pulau kalimantan yang sering di sebut-sebut sebagai paru-paru dunia karna memiliki hutan yang sangat banyak (dulunyaa:( ) Kebanyakan anak rantau yang berasal dari kalimantan pasti pernah mendapat pertanyaan dan pernyataan mengenai kalimantan.

si A: Hai,, kenalin aku A..
si B: Haii, aku B
si A: Kamu asal mana?
si B: Kalimantan..
si A: Wahh, kalimantan...banyak hutan donk, rumahmu di hutan berarti ya, banyak pohon ya, banyak kalinya ya, trus gimana tinggal disana pasti rumahnya jauh-jauh ya, DE EL EL.
si B: aaxsxaxsdgfjdnsnbf!!!!!

Belum lagi...

si A: Kamu asal mana?
si B: Kalimantan..
si A: Kalimantan mana...
si B: Kalimantan Barat..
si A: Balikpapan ya..
si B: Bukan, Pontianak..

si A: oh, Pontianak itu yang dekat sama Samarinda ya
si B: Bukaann, jauh..
si A: ohhh, kalo sama Manado dekatt..
si B: Lahhh,, z!@#$%&*@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kalo yang lagi galau..

si A: Kamu asal mana?
si B: Kalimantan..
si A: Kali,, mantan... mantan..ohhhh mantann
si B: ckckkckckckckckck

Kalo yang gini juga banyaaaakkk

si A: Kamu asal mana?
si B: Kalimantan..
si A: Kalimantan?? Banyak kalinyaa donkk
si B: ya kaleee @#$$$$

dan sekarang tuh ya, banyaaakk meme-meme kalimantan yang ngehits, entahlah aku gak tau asalnya dari mana.
kayak gini nihhh...

Gue skg tinggal di australia Gue di Kalimantan Kali...mantan... mantan
Sampe keresahan rakyat Indonesia saat ini soal beras plastik pun bisa di bales dengan memenya anak kalimantan "saat diluar sibuk dengan berita "Beras Palstik, kami di Kalimantan sudah sering makan "Ikan Gabus" hehehehehe.. yapppp meme ini bener bangeettt.. aku sebagai anak kalimantan bangga serta rindu makan ikan 'gabus'.. hahahahhaha
Ikan "Gabus" yang slalu bikin nagih :)
Yahhh.. begitulah kira2 dilema anak rantau yang kadang risih dan bingung dengan persepsi orang-orang luar tehadap pulau kalimantan.. Padahal ya, fyi pulau kalimantan itu adalah surga.. surga dunia (saya bangga. menjadi anak kalimantan...). Kenapa aku bilang kalimantan itu syurgaaa... ini nih salah satu bukti kalo Kalimantan itu surga.

Kalimantan Barat aja contohnya, salah satu provinsi di pulau kalimantan yang banyak memiliki sungai... sekarang coba deh hitung ada berapa sungai di daerah kalian? hihihi.. Pulau kalimantan memiliki sungai terpanjang di Indonesia lohh *nyengirgaring.. Selain itu, masih banyak sungai-sungai besar yang lain, berikut ini beberapa contoh sungai yg terdapat di Kalimantan Barat.

Sungai Kapuas

Sungai Kapuas
Sungai Kapuas merupakan sungai terpanjang di Indonesia (+- 1143 km) dan dapat dilayari dengan motor air ukuran 100 ton sampai ke Putusibau. Nama sungai Kapuas diambil dari nama daerah Kapuas saat ini disebut dengan Kapuas Hulu. Sungai Kapuas merupakan rumah dari lebih 700 jenis ikan lohh, dimana sekitar 12 jenis ikan yang terdapat di Sungai ini masuk dalam kategori langka dan 40 jenis ikan yang terancam punah. 
Kalian yang ingin menikmati Keindahan sungai kapuas dan melihat secara langsung kegiatan masyarakat disetiap pesisirnya ini, bisa menggunakan kapal wisata yang terparkir di taman alun kapuas, jalan rahadi oesman pontianak atau di cafe serasan, pontianak timur. 
Kapal wisata tersebut akan membawa kalian mengarungi keindahan kota pontianak dengan rute taman alun kapuas melewati masjid jami sultan syarif abburrahman alkadri, jembatan kapuas satu hingga cafe serasan dan kembali lagi ketempat dimana anda naik. Untuk dapat berlayar dengan Kapal wisata sungai kapuas ini, anda akan dikenakan biaya Rp10000 [tarif kapal wisata di taman alun kapuas] hingga Rp 15000 [tarif kapal wisata di cafe serasan, pontianak timur].

Sungai Kapuas
*FYI; Sungai kapuas membentang sampai ke provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, tepatnya di Kabupaten Kapuas. Sungai ini membentang sepanjang kurang lebih 610 km, dari kecamatan Kapuas Hulu sampai kecamatan Selat yang akhirnya bermuara dilaut Jawa.

di tunggu kelanjutannya yaa :)

To be continuee :*

Sumber foto: Koleksi pribadi,,,,,

Our Moment

Menjelang 4 tahun anniversary..

Gak nyangka bisa sampai detik ini kebersamaan yang terjalin tak pernah berubah dan berkurang.. Malah bertambah tambah, sampe2 gak kerasa sudah di angka 4 aja, rasanya baru kemaren sore kenalan, malamnya jadian eh tau tau tinggal menghitung hari lagi 4 tahun.. longlast honey :*

*foto kenangan :)
 'Makam Bung Karno Blitar'
'Malang Tempo Doeloe, Museum Brawijaya'
'Wisuda Universitas Tribhuwana Malang'
'Taman Burung Singkawang, KalBar'
'Tugu Ikan Jelawat Sampit, KalTeng'

Antar Ajung Planting Ceremony From Sambas, West Borneo

Antar Ajung
Antar Ajung literally means "to bring a boat" and is a ceremony held at the start of the rice planting season to pray for a good future harvest.

Antar Ajung Boats
For this ceremony villagers build beautifully decorated small boats that are filled with offerings, such as coconut oil and yellow rice, that the are released into the sea.
Antar Ajung Ceremony

The model boats are up to 40 cm wide and 4 m long and are faithful copies of traditional sailing boats. The night before the release of the boats a ritual is conducted by the traditional village leader. The ceremonies also include traditional games, dances and music performances. Antar ajung ceremonies take place from june - August in coastal village of the districts of Tangaran and Paloh. The biggest ceremony is held at the village of Arung Parak about 20 kilometers south of Paloh.
Antar Ajung
Antar Ajung

Source: Inspiring Borneo,,,


Dear all my friend and colleagues lets participate in IFLA APR CONGRESS 2015 IN LOMBOK. Especially for all landscape architecture student and architech all over the world lets participate in student design competition, submitted will be until the end of this June. The 1st winner will be awards US $ 2500, 2nd US $ 2000, 3rd US $ 1500, 4th US $ 750. Send your design to email adress

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Contact person:
1. Contact me on facebook: Nuraini Aris
2. Facebook: Ray March Syahadat
3. Facebook: Hanni Adriani